Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Notes from 2D-IR Meeting, 30th Jan 2007

High sensitivity
High throughput
High information content

DOVE 2D-IR: Doubly Vibrationally Enhanced - Four Wave Mixing
Mix at sample of interest: two tuneable pulse IR fields of omega-1 and omega-2
Make sure field intensities are high enough, 10^10 W cm^-2
Observe an output nonlinear field

Model compound: Benzene
2ps delay between pulses - perhaps up to 5ps
2000 wavenumber scan size
Resolution required for Fermi resonance separation

Ideal spec (200) 500-800 nm , and 2um to 200um.
2ps is a typical required pulse length - i.e. 1ps FWHM.
Time delay variable 0-20ps
Jitter specification - something like <1ps FWHM. But interesting is the noise spectra and how that relates to the integration time in the experiment.
FEL harmonics are either useful or can be filtered out.