Monday, February 12, 2007

CICT/CI/ASTeC Support Meeting, 12th Feb 2007

Notes and actions:

I.Bailey - to do website updates on new CI web server during interim period.

J.Dainton - to discuss with M.Poole who will be website manager and to arrange that person to take over management of the website.

G.McBain - to look at option of filtering all CI outgoing mail at mailserver to appear to come from

H.Owen/J.Smith - to circulate how to change 'Reply-to' addresses in Exchange/Outlook

H.Owen - to check with FBU IT whether all functionality is possible in Sharepoint web access using Firefox.

Decision - Arrange with B.Runcie and S.Eyres to do design and update of CI website.

J.Dainton - to provide budget code for website work.

C.Dean/J.Smith/H.Owen - to put printer Linux PPD files onto CI website.

G.McBain - to check IMAP/POP3 instructions for offsite email access for all types of users.

H.Owen - to email H.Gun-Why about site information for non-staff.

M.Enderby - to propose recommendations for CI data backup, e.g. server-based? on-site/off-site options, best practice instructions? strategy?

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